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资料:You can not go forward by going backward. Take the current debate about trade and globalization for instance while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experience

资料:You can not go forward by going backward. Take the current debate about trade and globalization, for instance, while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years, it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity.
Over the past three decades, global flows of trade and investment have accelerated dramatically, creating enormous economic value. However, trade and globalization have also brought wrenching job losses. The financial crisis and weak recovery have made matters worse, intensifying the backlash against trade and globalization.
Part of the problem is that the benefits of trade and investment go largely unrecognized, while the job losses are often overstated. Another significant problem is that participation in trade and investment is limited to a relatively small set of firms. In the U.S., large firms account for three-quarters of total exports, and the vast majority of small and medium-size businesses do not export. This means firms have a great opportunity to boost growth and productivity through wider participation in trade.
That leaves the question of how to help those hurt by trade and globalization. Too often we talk about re-training as a panacea(万能药).And yes, it helps. But it needs to take into account the different requirements of each workforce and needs to be part of a wider set of support for affected workers and communities.
Above all, it is important to recognize that our economic transition to a global and digital economy is an irreversible trend. Only by broadening participation in the global economy, rather than by trying to turn back the clock, will we discover answers to today’s most vexing economic problems.

What is the MAIN opinion expressed in the opening paragraph?
A.Trade and globalization are debatable.
B.Erecting trade barriers can not bring growth and prosperity.
C.Trade and globalization have caused severe pain in recent years.
D.Opposing trade and globalization is understandable and reasonable.


【关键词】main opinion;opening paragraph
【主题句】第1自然段 Take the current debate about trade and globalization, for instance, while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years, it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity.以当前关于贸易和全球化的辩论为例,鉴于近年来经历的痛苦,建立贸易壁垒的冲动是可以理解的,但这并不是创造持久增长和共享繁荣的方式。

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